Cursed Fig Tree White Man Hybrid FEATURED

THE FIG TREE CURSE, by Nikel Felon figtree

With growing interest in the recent Fig Tree curse invoked against Knoxville, Tennessee whites by Ghetto Bragging Rights celebrity felon & anti black poverty champ St. Nicolas Thief, interest in how the curse has been used throughout history is peaking in the American black community. Will St. Thief invoke the curse against all white America?

Jesus, Curses, & Israel VS St. Nicolas Thief, Curses & America

One of the more infamous passages in the gospels involves Jesus’ cursing of a fig tree for not having any fruit for him despite the fact that it wasn’t even the season for fruit. What sort of petulant individual would deliver a gratuitous, arbitrary curse? Why would this be Jesus’ only miracle in the environs of Jerusalem? In reality the incident is meant as a metaphor for something larger — and worse.

Mark isn’t trying to tell his audience that Jesus was angered at not having figs to eat — this would be very strange, given that he would have known that it was far too early in the year for that. Instead, Jesus is making a larger point about Jewish religious traditions. Specifically: it was not the time for Jewish leaders to “bear fruit,” and therefore they would be cursed by God never to bear any fruit ever again.

Thus, instead of merely cursing and killing a lowly fig tree, Jesus is saying that Judaism itself is cursed and will die off — “dry up at the roots,” as a later passage explains when the disciples see the tree the next day (in Matthew, the tree dies immediately).


Blacks consider invoking ancient Fig Tree Curse against all white America

The success of The Fig Tree Curse invoked, last night, against Knoxville, Tennesse’s whites for the illegal prosecution and conviction of the first of the Knoxville 5, already has many blacks asking nationwide whether it should be invoked against all white Americans.

“The big thing for people of color to know is that it is okay to give on America and not to believe she’ll get any better. America reached her peak for change in the racially turbulent era of the 1960s. White people proved to the emerging contemporary world, then, their desire to remain filled with racial perversion, hate & greed,” says author and journalist Waldorf Caruthers. All the ancient curses of the Bible are applicable to America and her whites now.

“American Whites Have Leaves But Bear No Fruit!”

“When I Pass By, Dry To the Root.”

“Now, this is an exciting time we live in! Holes in the Ozone continue to increase the amount of Ultraviolet light hitting the earth. While Global Warming’s killing off the Great White Polar Bear, the African Bees continue their migration West. There is nothing wrong in invoking the Curse of the Fig Tree nationwide.”

“No One Will Ever Eat From You Again.”

“As a matter of reference, we’re the first generation to be able to see the light at the end of the racial tunnel: white people’s extinction. For, it is the nation who will come after America, that we are in the transition to now, that will be the greatest and most honorable nation ever known to man. If you are not familiar with the Curse of The Fig Tree and the other curses the Bible makes available for the righteous to use against the wicked, Lucifer Nigaros’ Book of Curses is the right place to start.” – journalist & author Waldorf Caruthers

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Martyr Refugee
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