Suspected Nigger Word Thinker & Reparation Offender Chris Kernich Dead: Funeral Forbidden, Street Penitentiary Protest Planned

On the heels of Yakub Muslims reportedly drinking the “final cup of water” as an offering to God for the last breath of suspected NIGGER WORD THINKER and Reparations Offender Chris Kernich, the twenty three year old business major at Kent State University has reportedly died.

Cleveland, Akron and, reportedly, a new Kent State brotherhood of Black Foot Soldiers say Kernich’s death is a result of his own inappropriate thoughts.

“Anti Chris Kernish Get Well Soon” protest victory. “We will protest any funeral planned for Kernich. His body is forbidden to be placed int the into the earth,” Cleveland Black Foot Soldier Forest Hill is quoted as proclaiming. “Today he is an example to whites that they may no longer think the evil and inappropriate thoughts they think.”


FECES BOMBED: “Rock” for Suspected Nigger Word Thinker & Reparations Offender Chris Kernich Desecrated

“Die Nigger Thinker, Die!” Ohio Black Foot Soldiers Offer Prayers Against Recovery of Suspected Nigger Word Thinker Chris Kernich; Accuse Kent State Whites of Privileged White Flaunt

“DON’T ASSAULT OR KILL THE DEVIL FOR THINKING NIGGER” – Yakub Muslim elders issue national warning to brothers & sisters awakening to new evolutionary mastership.

Did You Hear Chris Kernich Think: “Nigger?” Ohio Yakub Muslim Elders Begin “Trial” for Suspected Racist; “All Reparations Offender Charges Will Stand” – Ohio Black Foot Soldiers

Kent State Student Chris Kernich: Another Nigger Word Thinker Beat Down? Yakub Islam On New Age of “Our Evolutionary Mastership”

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300 Responses to Suspected Nigger Word Thinker & Reparation Offender Chris Kernich Dead: Funeral Forbidden, Street Penitentiary Protest Planned

  1. nigger hater says:

    good thing both those niggers that have done this are going to prison. cant wait until the court date…

    • Vincent Felon says:

      Nonsense, nigger hater, they are already being chapioned as reparations avengers by those inside.

      There’s no nigga on the street write now who wouldn’t want to have the Chris Kernich knotch under their belt.

      • F the Nig Nogs says:

        You FUCKING NIGGER!!!! I know ALOT of Chris’s BLACK friends who are devastated by his death. THEY are not NIGGERS. You, son, are a NIGGER. And you suck at spelling.

      • Anonymous says:

        You are one sick mother fuckin bastard.

      • Malcolm says:

        Man, you one sick mother fucker.

      • Mr. White says:

        Nigger Felon, shit man, if you can’t say something intelligent, don’t say anything at all. You’re a fucking embarrassment to niggers.


        • Goddamned nignog faggots says:

          Fuck you you pussy let me post you fucking coward.

          • Goddamned nignog faggots says:

            you’re such a fucking pussy, slaughter.

            • Goddamned nignog faggots says:

              EbW… these niggers are nothing but sissy little faggots.

              • Goddamned nignog faggots says:


                • Jellysua says:

                  you guys are ridiculous, this young man just died at the age of 23, why? Because you cant hold your fucking temper!!! YOU PEOPLE (yea I said it) are the problem. Death over a word, why so defensive? Get real!! So you got called a Nigger, congrates, I hate to say it but if you go around killing every person that says the word nigger, you are going to be killing alot of your own! Lead by example! Why is it okay for the black community to go around throwing the word Nigger out there every other sentence, but it may be thought that this young man said it and he needs to die? No that is not right.
                  Grow Up, Sit Down, Shut Up, and stop being so mother fucking ignorant!

                  • You devils have gotten away with your perverted thoughts long enough.
                    They have gone unchecked and you haven’t been required to answer for them.

                    It’s a new day AND a new age. We are emerging as a NEW people with gifts that you can not fathom and reject.

                    But you can start getting use to having to answer for your thoughts now.

                    • Ignorance is Bliss? says:

                      Like the gift of hate crimes? Do I hear peace prize? You guys are skipping equality and going straight to supremacy. It’s people like all you fucks that perpetuate the stereotypes that MOST of you are trying to escape. Good luck in life I hope karma butt fucks the shit out of all of you

      • marten looter fiend jr. says:

        And there’s not a Human alive that wouldn’t like to see you hanging from the nearest lampost in front of city hall.. castrated, completely engulfed in flames, burning merrily to hell.

        • Goddamned nignog faggots says:

          that comment from marten looter was meant for vinny the dowlow nigger.

          • Goddamned nignog faggots says:

            vinny, slaughter, antinoch, ..marten looter,and malcum x are taking turns fucking tupac in the ass hell. and they can’t wait for the rest of you to show up.

            • Goddamned nignog faggots says:

              how do I know? … well, I am the the Shining One, the Ruler of the Abyss.. and I’ll be seeing you all very soon. you soul less cum guzzling pathetic worms are mine, you’ve all have always been mine… oh, an yukub sends his regards…

              • Slaughter Lightfoot says:

                well, I am the the Shining One, the Ruler of the Abyss.. and I’ll be seeing you all very soon. you soul less cum guzzling pathetic worms are mine, you’ve all have always been mine

                And where is your plantation?


                • L. says:

                  You inconsequential primate whore. You dare try to correct me? mock me? What do you know of justice and pain… You pathetic, boring worm.. Yes, I’ve been called countless things, numerous titles. My name is Legion, for we are many… an I understand you’re particular interest in seeking of what you consider knowledge, you’re relentless frustration, you’re squirming burning hatred, it radiates from you like a sickness. I feel it. I was just toying with you and you’re ape foot soldiers with these names, an pretext of conversation.For the simple purpose of you all to gain confidence within yourselves. I did the same with you’re unholy elder, before ripping out his filthy eyes an dragging him screaming, by his yellow puss dripping orbs into the coldness of the pit.. where he kneeled an begged to pray to me. he’s mine now.. as you and you’re cowardly sub-primate minions will be, as you always have been. Come to a place that’s less crowded an appropriate, where we can speak of things more comfortably.. in the perfect darkness of the Abyss. Where you can confess, an beg to tell me you’re tedious inter most secrets.. again. what have you to lose.

                  • inthenameofx says:

                    My name is Legion, for we are many

                    & none of you are righteous. Legion just got his ass kicked.

                    • Anonymous says:

                      malcome x is here too.. would you like to leave a msg.? I’ll make sure he gets it, just as soon a he gets jeffery dahmer’s cock out of his mouth. L.

                  • inthenameofx says:

                    There is herd of pigs waiting for us to cast you into them and an waiting steep bank from which you will rush into the lake in and be drowned.

                    • Anonymous says:

                      us… you boring silly little whoring primate worm, neither you nor you’re filthy so called intelligent race had anything remotely to do with that. As if, you actually have power, or could mentally fathom the severity of stipulations that lead to that particular situation. If the circumstance was left up to you, you would’ve slit the swine open, an boiled and feasted upon there intestines. An actually thought you would’ve accomplished something. You have no idea what you’re talking about you ridiculous sub primate bastard. yakub weeps, and howls in the deepest bowels of Abyss at you’re stupidty. btw, I’ve ripped his out pineal gland along with his pathetic shriveled genitals, an fed them to my hounds that guard my celestial palace and the gates of Hell. And when you arrive, you also will be calcified. ..among many other things.. L .

                    • Anonymous says:

                      us… you silly little primate whoring worm. as if, you or you’re filthy so called intelligent race had anything remotely to do with that. neither you or false foot soldier space cult have the power, or the mental capability to even fathom the stipulations and severity of circumstance that surrounds that particular situation. If the decision would’ve been left up to you, you would’ve slit open the swine and boiled and feasted upon there intestines, and actually thought that would’ve been an acomplishment. You are truly, a ridiculous sub primate. yakub weeps and howls in the deepest bowels of the Abyss, at you’re stupidity. btw, I ripped out pineal glands along with his pathetic shriveled genitals, and fed them to my hounds that guard my celestial palace and the gates of Hell. And when you arrive, you also will be calcified. …among many other things.

      • nigger hater says:

        haha that means there are more niggers in jail now where they fucking belong or back in africa or back in the fields take your fucking pick jigaboo

      • Rider says:

        It seems there are reports of cleveland and kent state blackfoot soldiers donating money to support the kernich family, citing ” we are tired of following a false god and a false religion ” reports also claim they are giving up the names of local blackfoot leaders who in there words ” instigate trouble but hide behind their job titles and keep taking the white mans paycheck” this story came from somewhere in cleveland. guess those “brothers” should have been passing around some money to keep the other “brothers” happy

    • Anonymous says:

      I completely agree. I would be trying to play the race card too if i was facing assult charges and now facing murder charges. These people did something so horrible and killed a 23 year old college student for nothing.

    • 3=====D~~~~(insert face here) says:

      I’m guessing that your brotherhood is comprised mostly of the filth that stands outside of the plasma donation center, I know I’ve heard them talk about mother-ships and reading people’s minds. . .Then again they’re all on crack.

      • jihadamen says:

        Like the gift of hate crimes? Do I hear peace prize? You guys are skipping equality and going straight to supremacy. It’s people like all you fucks that perpetuate the stereotypes that MOST of you are trying to escape. Good luck in life I hope karma butt fucks the shit out of all of you

        This is about condemnation. You fulfilled the prophesy against you. Charge our Sun of God with your hate crime shit. The standard of how how you, under all circumstances, are to be seen set by none other than the Sun of God.

        And the Sun of God says you are to be despised and burned from the face of the planet.

        I’m guessing that your brotherhood is comprised mostly of the filth that stands outside of the plasma donation center, I know I’ve heard them talk about mother-ships and reading people’s minds. . .Then again they’re all on crack.

        I bet if a nigga could get his dick to go down and get his 3rd eye focused, right after hitting that crack pipe, he could turn you devils into a puddle of phaomelanin puss.

        Jihad Amen

        • Grow up A$$ Hole! says:

          The sun of god is what keeps us warm. Perhaps you should learn to spell prior to preaching about any prophesy! Besides it just makes you look ignorant.

          • Niggerwordthinker Basher says:

            Who gives a fuck about looking ignorant to a devil who Sun of God despises.

            • Slaughter Lightfoot says:

              Have you read author Waldorf Caruthers’ biography of Yakub 7 Ali, the founder of the Yakub Muslims? There is a story about it from Yakub 7 when he was a child where he talks about his experience with “the nigger who lives in the sun.” In 2007 were were allowed to publish an excerpt of it on the Web. If you haven’t read it and want to, leave me an email and let me know.


            • nigger hater says:

              obviously not you because you probably have a second grade education and dropped out to sell drugs to support your whore of a mother and her 18 other niglets

          • Slaughter Lightfoot says:

            The sun of god is what keeps us warm.


        • 3=====D~~~~(insert face here) says:

          your god is a simulacrum.

        • COMBATVET says:


          Are you really willing to JIHAD???? No you are not……However if you would like to meet ALLAH I can probably arrange that. and I can also get you your 72 virgins just like I did countless times while in IRAQ for other dumb fuck Muslim Extremists….. I am serious how serious are you??? No real Jihadist would let and Infidel talk to him like this….Now would he???

          • inthenameofx says:

            Have you talked to Pvt William Long lately? When you do, tell him hello.


            • Don’t forget about the thirteen cowards brother Hassan avenged for.

              13 multiplied by 72 equals 936! 936 Virgins in Heaven!

            • COMBATVET says:

              Are you willing to JIHAD??? No and dont forget good muslim and Infidel is talking shit to you….You dumb Fucks……Like I said before I hope you all enjoy all the gifts the Whiteman has provided for you… include your fucking welfare Thanksgivings…. BTW you would have to be willing to put yourselves in harms way to get the Virgins and you are a big PUSSY so that will not be happening

      • D says:

        Just so we are clear…none of you people know how to spell

    • T says:

      I am disgusted by these post. As an African-American female I am ashamed that other African-Americans would condone the behavior exhibited by these two young men. Racism is not dead, you will face adversity everywhere you go, but if you think violence is the answer you are terribly mistaken. What they did is a crime and no amount of racial slurs or hatred will ever justify what they did to that young man. Furthermore, I am not sure what racial battles you think they can fight from inside a jail cell; they are only perpetuating the stereotype some African-Americans are fighting against. If you really want to change people and their negative thoughts towards minorities, then educate them, kill them with kindness, but never give them a reason to hate you or even worse take away your rights by incarcerating you like animals. Most importantly, ask yourselves what would God do, because I’m sure he instructed that we “turn the other cheek.”

  2. Rachel says:

    fuck you niggers

  3. UnReal says:

    where is the “protest!”

    The rock is fine, now! btw 😉

  4. Fhs 2k10 says:

    ok my boy chirs was a good man. he was my coach in 8th grade dedicating his time efforts and passion in helping us become better football players and more importantly better young men. regardless of what color our skin was. he had many friends who are black and are morning his death just as us white people are. now i am sitting here praying for CK. i will also pray for you and your “group”. to have god find peace within you. to forgive and to bless all of you to learn what is right. i dont care if you think he was racist or not because i already know that awnser. and that is he isnt a racist man. he loved everyone regardless of there skin, if they grew up poor or rich no matter what he looked at everyone as one. ya he was a phenom of an athleat but thats not what i remeber of Chris. i remeber him as a friend a coach and somone i look up to him and always wanted to be like him. he’s a hero in our city and always will be. i love chris and he is with god now looking over us. only thing we can do is pray for him and his family and also pray for you all to learn to become better people and it is all in the lords hands now. i dont care what you have to say and what you all have to think if he was somthing you suposedly thought he was because he wasnt a bad person. you can tell yourself he was a racist and everything if that makes you sleep at night. but everyones judgment day comes. and in the mean time you and your “group’ will have to look at the man in the glass every day of your lives. and live withyour self until your judgment day has come. i can only pray that you will become better people and learn from it rather than keep going on as what you are.

    • inthenameofx says:

      I think Chris thought he was good and whites who embrace his values think they are “good” too. But he and each of you is so wrong.

      You whites got a lot that you’ve done to others coming back to you.

      So when it starts, just think of all that you and your fathers did to everybody else and never made up for it.

      Every Black Foot Soldier (regardless of where he is) should say: I stomped Chris Kernich too.

      • Fhs 2k10 says:

        Dear inthenameofx
        why should i have to account for my fathers actions. they are different people than i am. they have not went thought the social evolution that you and i have went trough times change my fellow human being. everyone if different not every white person thinks dose or acts the same just as african americans do not think or do or act the same. nobody is the same. everyone is different from eachother. just as our forfathers they did some good things for this country but there is also things they did that where terrible to other human beings.. white people in this day in age should not have to account for there actions just as you should not have to be able to account for other people that have dont bad things just because they are the same race as you. that isnt right we all have to deal and account for our own actions not somone eles just because they are the same race as you.

      • Mr. White says:

        Well do tell us Malcolm Xcrement. Did you have something to do with Chris’ death?

        Come on big man. Don’t be afraid to show your niggas how tough you are, or we’ll all think you a big fucking pussy.

      • Class of 2010 FHS says:

        Dear inthenameofx
        why should i have to account for my fathers actions. they are different people than i am. they have not went thought the social evolution that you and i have went trough times change my fellow human being. everyone if different not every white person thinks dose or acts the same just as african americans do not think or do or act the same. nobody is the same. everyone is different from eachother. just as our forfathers they did some good things for this country but there is also things they did that where terrible to other human beings.. white people in this day in age should not have to account for there actions just as you should not have to be able to account for other people that have dont bad things just because they are the same race as you. that isnt right we all have to deal and account for our own actions not somone eles just because they are the same race as you.

      • Anonymous says:

        You’re right he totally oppressed you that was all him, he personally and everyone in our generation has personally chained you and made you work in fields… oh wait that was a group of racists before our GRANDPARENTS so good call on that… why were you brought up so hateful was it because you feel entitlement for being born the way you are?

      • Anonymous says:

        you are a pathetic disgusting human being I don’t a shit what color you are!!

      • well_armed says:

        Big words coming from behind the computer screen X… are you espousing racial warfare? If I’m not mistaken, that’s exactly what you’re saying by “You whites got a lot that you’ve done to others coming back to you.”

        I think you forget that there are enough small arms in the white community to arm every white individual in this nation 3 times over, and enough ammunition to kill every ignorant fuck such as yourself a thousand times… Hell, there are more White gun owners than there are soldiers in all of the world’s armies combined.

        Such big and hateful talk from a puny, insignificant man with a keyboard and 20 pounds of melanin-laced flesh on his back and not much else. I have never met a white that wanted a racial war as bad as the black men posting here, but if you are set on taking on the entire white race you had best remember this much; you will never win. Sun of God or whatever mumbo-jumbo you spew about, hot lead will prove your mortality and the rest of this world will continue towards equality without your hatred.

        • inthenameofx says:

          Well Armed,
          You clinging to your gun?

          I think you forget that there are enough small arms in the white community to arm every white individual in this nation 3 times over, and enough ammunition to kill every ignorant fuck such as yourself a thousand times… Hell, there are more White gun owners than there are soldiers in all of the world’s armies combined.

          I guess you shouldda hooked Chris up one … .


          btw, these niggas, my generation ain’t interested in equality with the devil. this is about condemnation, judgement and sentence.

          • Why you think cracker think we should want equality with them? Because they don’t know the monsters that they are.

            I love the line in this video where the brother tells the devil “you know what the problem with white people is? You don’t respect anybody else’s humanity but your own. This is because you’re not human.”

  5. Mike says:

    Kelley and Barker are going to be little bitches in the big house. I hope they come down to Lebanon where I work!

  6. fuck yakub says:

    fuck yakub all of you will burn in hell for your wishes of death against this young man.

  7. Mike says:

    They don’t care, but they will someday! and even sooner!

  8. Mike says:

    Vincent Felon, wow, what a name

  9. Mike says:

    little bitches, i love fuckin with bitches like you

  10. Mike says:

    oh my, you want a race war, a have about 6 black guys that would kick the shit out of you

  11. Mike says:

    Keep working on your website bitch!

  12. Mike says:

    I might be coming in your window

  13. Mike says:

    you are a little bitch

  14. Mike says:

    oh, my….im actually giving you this much time

  15. Mike says:

    keep posting bitch

  16. Mike says:

    wow, you keep changing your site, but can’t respond to me, because you are a bitch

    • Slaughter Lightfoot says:

      You are angry,that’s obvious. But, unless you don’t feel like we’re owed them, why have you not had that same anger in fighting for our justice like, for example, reparations.

      Many brothers across the network, today, are expressing outrage with Chris’ numerous attempts on his Twitter page to “sound and write black.” Many are also pointing at that the comments he made about “living the good life” represent his desire to “live the kind of lifestyle that oppresses others.”

      Thank you for your patience,
      Slaughter Lightfoot

      • ApersonWhoCan'tUnderstandYourIgnorance says:

        Wow! There is nothing that could have ever made me dislike my fellow black man more than a person like you!

      • miZZchilders says:

        how in the hell do you make the connection that ‘living the good life’ means that it’s a lifestyle of oppsressing others? there is no connotation that gives it away. i think you are desperately trying to over-analyze what he said to justify his death. he was killed for no reason. their is absolutely no good reason for him to be dead. i should not have to be attending his funeral this weekend..he should be with his family.. start actually thinking about what you’re saying and how you make no sense at all

        • a akron blackfootsoldier says:

          it’s downright piggish for a white to say they want to “live the good life.” the good lives you pigs live are based off the people you have oppressed.

          • miZZchilders says:

            no its not piggish to say that. blacks can just as easily say they are living the good life if they wanted. you are flat out ignorant if you think that my generation had anything to do with the oppression of blacks. living a good life has nothing to do with oppression of anyone. thats stupid. does that make any sense to you?? seriously..

    • Avenger says:


      • fuckingchickenshitporchmonkeys says:

        LoL hell no… slaughter so fucking dumb he doesn’t even realize the NSA’s tapping his sailfone.

  17. Mike says:

    how are you doing tonight, i hope your bitch ass is feeling good, you probably are getting off on the fact that we are actually giving you attention. thats ok, we will contact you in other ways soon. have fun
    love you bitch,

  18. Mike says:

    oh, shit, your boys are getting it in the ass.

  19. Mike says:

    oh, my….what is going, oh oh, Barker (that is your boys legal name) is getting his manhood taken away

  20. BlackKSU09 says:

    I am a black girl. Chris and I were friends. He helped me with notes when I missed a couple weeks of school. This is crazy, people who don’t know him would speak of him like this. It’s not about black or white, its about some dumb kids doing something they regret. I know Chris personally, I am embarrassed to be black. I will show my beautiful black face at his funeral. I am praying his family and for this mess of a group.

    • Slaughter Lightfoot says:

      We are receiving numerous reports that a new Kent State Black Foot Soldier brotherhood has formed.

      Your inner beauty shines through your comments. But there is a new blackness that might be embarrassed of you.

      Love you sister,

      • nigger hater says:

        so your a fucking female?!?!?
        when the fuck did nigger bitches learn how to use a computer

      • Desert Storm says:


      • Desert Storm says:


        • Slaughter Lightfoot says:

          Desert Storm,
          After reading people’s comments, I don’t like using cliche’s like “u r an idiot.” But you’re making it awful hard.

          Slaughter Lightfoot

          • David Dukeard says:

            Desert Storm:

            All Muslims and Niggers should fucking hang. Oh, sorry Slaughter, am I being too cliche? Ok, change that to: All Muslims and Niggers should have their fucking toenails slowly ripped out, pins stuck into their eye balls, the cocks chopped off, and then fucking hang.

            And by the way, tell Antioch Hades he can lick my asshole after I’ve taken a shit.

          • COMBATVET says:

            Now I have posted on here many times, and I have called out your “brothers” and they have all acted like coward BITCHES. Now I am calling you out….. I challenge you to come to my neighborhood and come on my street and enforce your laws……I will do more than just think words, I say them to your face….So far all your “proud brothers” have just been BITCHES and I bet you are too……

            • Slaughter Lightfoot says:

              You’ve been watching way too much wresting, Gerry Springer & way too many blaxploitation flicks. You can’t “call anybody out” and expect to be respect for it. “Come to my neighborhood!” ROTFLM(BLACK)AO! Is that the kind of concept puffing up the chests of the reprobate whites in your neighborhood? While I wouldn’t dare attempt to speak for this whole community or network”I’d rather be a bitch in the devil’s imagination than a white American” is probably the resolve of many.


              • Glad I am not black says:

                Africa is a $hit hole! That is how blacks live. They are monkeys! Actually monkeys live better. At least they can support themselves.

                Just watch tommorow… All the blacks will be eating their thanksgiving meal in some gym fed by Whites because they can’t afford their own damn food. They are lazy, stupid, and pathetic. Without whites they wouldn’t eat any thanksgiving…

                Black “Always looking for a handout”

                Heck even Michael Jackson knew being black sucked! He tried to be white… But they couldn’t take the black out of him. He had to Rape!

              • COMBATVET says:


                Where do you live then I will come to you. Lets talk face to face instead of having you type on the computer that whites have bought and paid for just like your education….US. GRANTS and LOANS buddy. That is whites paying for you…..YOU ARE WELCOME….Pussy Coward

    • fhs grad says:

      thank for people like you, if these idiots even knew CK they would realize how wrong they are about him!

      • inthenameofx says:

        You keep excusing Chris when we know he was white.

        • nigger hater says:

          yeah he was white cause he is better than u shit colored jigaboo fucking porch monkeys your all pussies and most black people fucking hate you cause there is a difference between black people and niggers and your all fucking niggers i hope u burn in nigger hell and i hope the kkk comes to visit your little nigger house with all of your little niglet kids and i hope they all get fucked up by white people cause we are the best

  21. Mother says:

    You are the lowest scum of the earth. May god have mercy on your soles. You and the hate you are trying to create is the devils work at it’s finest.

    You must be some miserable son of a bitches for starting this website. You have a mental illness — you know that don’t you? Get some help.

    • Slaughter Lightfoot says:

      You are the lowest scum of the earth.

      Would that be compared to white people?

      May god have mercy on your soles.

      Is that a reference to the historical invisible god white people serve?

      You and the hate you are trying to create is the devils work at it’s finest.

      You do know that some of the greatest prophets identified “white people” as devils and that the white race, by their history and contemporary behavior, fulfilled those prophesies. It’s not a little but very inappropriate to compare me and my behavior to that of the white races’.

      You must be some miserable son of a bitches for starting this website. You have a mental illness — you know that don’t you? Get some help.

      If nothing more, thank you for your contribution.

      Slaughter Lightfoot

  22. Disgusted says:

    You are twisted and I hope you burn in hell.

  23. Disgusted says:

    Chris was an amazing person! Are you guys psychic? How do you know what someone is thinking? I’m sorry, but if someone almost ran me over with their car… I would have said for them to watch where they are going to0… like most people would. You disgusting people, who by the way can’t spell worth a shit, should be put in jail for being such low life, scum of he earth, worthless pieces of shit who are no better than the shit on the bottom of my shoes. No, I am not even close to being racist, either. Unless you want to use those psychic powers of yours and make shit up……. GO TO HELL YOU SICK FUCK!

  24. H8TER says:

    this website should be shut down immediatly.

  25. blackdiva09 says:

    this site jus blows me away!! i feel sorry for them boys now who have to spend the rest of their lives behind bars bn sumones bitch nd thats if they dnt get killd while they r n there!! bc ur cult brainwashed them they have to suffer! its makes no sense for two young boys to have so much hate towards a guy they did not kno! nd from their facebook they had white friends too nd one of the boys is mixed!! makes no sense at all but now my friend is dead and its not bc ur so calld master or w.e drank from his fckn cup..its bc god needed him way more then wat we did!!! but to bad u will NVR get to meet him bc yal the ones that believe in this nonsense r makin it to the great place the rest of us r! out for ur kids n ur loved ones bc u urself never kno wat can happen!! n now yall wanna protest against a funeral??..yea ok lets see that happen u wnt come to fairborn wit hat shyt bc u cant stop sumthing u aint gunna b here for!!

  26. fhs grad says:

    there is a difference between niggers and blacks. this website is full of niggers. and let me tell you, there are a lot less white racists then you believe. you my friends are racists. let the past be the past. our fathers, grandfathers or great grandfathers didnt hold you as slaves. and another thing, if you hate whites so much go back to africa, i hear that your own people will kill you there.

    • theniggers says:

      The difference between blacks and niggers is only in your subconsciously wannabe racist mind. Neither blacks or niggers exist. We were and are the original man.

      According to the Divine Law of “do unto others what they have done unto you” the fulfillment of what is to happen to the entire white race, for what they have done to others, is yet to come. That’s the Divine Law of God, not me.

      Consider Chris Kernich a sneak preview.

      • fhs grad says:

        hmm that is a good point from a biblical aspect, but not everyone beleives in the same biblical txt. you are baseing everything from the bible which is a very bad thing to use in an argument. Read a book call The Philosophy Gym. It has loads of things that are good for arguments and things that are for bad.

        • theniggers says:

          The Bible does not define Divine Law. Divine Law defines the Bible. IOWs, the Bible didn’t make the “do unto others” law. Rather, it (the book) is complimented by it.

          This is about fulfillment. Not caring about the offense they were creating (or knowing that it would fall on a yet to be conceived generation of theirs, your wretched forefathers hypocritically embraced the divine “do unto others” law. NEWSFLASH: you are the preempts of the first generation who will discover the offenses of your forefathers are not excused.

          By denying reparations, you prove you still have their, your forefathers’ hearts.

          Good luck with getting around your divine condemnation. Break a muthafucking leg.

      • Anonymous says:

        “do unto other what they have done unto you”

        Its obvious your angry, but I find that you using this statement is very hypocrital. Chris never did anything to deserve this. And if you live by this statement and he supposebly thought “nigger” then the justice to that would of been to think “stupid white trash” not to beat him to his death. All the things that your talking about white people owe you are from many many many many years ago, something our parents didn’t even live for. So if you want to live by your statement buy a time machine, because alot of people living today don’t think like that at all, and I know for a fact that chris kernich didn’t.

        Alot of people on this website disgust me, black and white, you are all going to a level so low. And none of you are better then the other. A person died yesterday, and according to these articles this was a hate crime. Hate is easy, love takes courage. & love is what Chris Kernich did best.

        • Courtney says:

          I definetely agree with you here. Couldn’t have said it any better.

          This website and this murder are absolutely DISGUSTING. How do you call yourself human? Do you really think you are going to gain respect and have a racism revolution through these tactics??? If this doesn’t stop, you will all end up in prison for murder, and you can use your two friends who killed Chris as an example.

          R.I.P. CK… you did not deserve this horrible, senseless crime. People like you are what make this world a better place.



    • fhs grad says:

      It would be hard to prove in court tho because people can just say ya i did that, like the terroist in Iraq. But if it can be traced back to this than probably the admins of this website would be screwed. but idk im not a lawer.

      Also, why is the a need for hate we just need to chill out and forget shit that happened 50 years ago

    • Anonymous says:

      I concur. Sounds like the death penalty to me.

      • Anonymous says:

        Those Akron Boys need a change of venue. hmmmmm, could I suggest Mongomery County of perhaps Greene. And then Clark might be a good choice. Greene I think.

      • fhs grad says:

        yep…but off subject kind of….i dont think we can change the peoples thoughts on here that are part of this orginzation because it would be like trying to get a nazi or a kkk member to understand things when they were taught diffrently for years by others.

        And by saying “die you nigger” and all of that. I dont think thats gonna make the people on here change their minds on how they feel towards whites. Insted of using “mud slinging” logic would be a better choice.

  28. disgusted says:

    this is fucking disgusting. he was a person, another human being. how dare you beat him to death, protest his funeral, and support this hatred? hatred only spreads hatred in this world. i hope to God that the men who did this pay with their lives for this. All of you spreading these hateful messages aren’t doing anything to improve relations in the world. No. Instead, you are being filthy, disgusting, ignorant, hateful people. Hope you’re proud of that. What if he was your friend? Jerks.

    • disgusted says:

      also – by making this all about race and “n**** thinkers” , you are circulting this racial divide, once again. the men who beat him? yes, they were thugs. way to make that even clearer. you want to stop people “n**** thinking?” then stop doing shit like this. it goes both ways.

  29. Mr White says:


    Stop being a “conditioned” brainwashed White person. Go ahead and use the word NIGGER. It is what they are. I am so sick of you mamsy pamsy White people who have allowed television to condition their way of thinking. It is this weakness that will get you killed by a NIGGER.

    NIGGERS are not like the Cosby kids, and you’re not going to looked by NIGGERS as some cool White kid, so cut it out and grows some balls.

  30. NoSympathizerBut says:

    Mr. White,
    I’m NO black sympathizer and understand your anger. Their so called BOW crime IS out of control. But don’t you think this is because so many of them are uneducated and come from single parent homes.
    Blacks can be trained and educated to be productive members of our society. I’m all for responsible racism. But irresponsible racism makes us just like these IDIOTS who think they can read our minds and that we don’t have the right to THINK what we want to.

  31. Mr White says:


    You wrote “But don’t you think this is because so many of them are uneducated and come from single parent homes”.

    No, I don’t think that. Because we (the Whites) have lowered our educational process in order for the black bastards to keep up. Yet despite all of this, their SAT’s are still the lowest in the country. All that we have managed to do is keep some of the smarter White, Hispanic and Asian kids down a notch or two. But even at that, they still out perform the niggers. There are many single parent Hispanic kids that out perform niggers in school and go on to be successful. I don’t hear them calling for the rape, torture and murder of Whites.

    So how does that fit into your logic and reason? The answer is, it doesn’t.

    Thank you for being White and at least not being an apologist, although you sound like you close to that.


  32. NoSympathizerBut says:

    I’m not CLOSE to being an apologist but just think there has got to be some practical way to weed out the ones that will be rapists and murderers from the ones that can be trained to become productive members of our society.

  33. Mr White says:

    Trying to do anything “practical” with a dumb ass nigger is a useless gesture. Even the educated Blacks don’t want to live with them. But the problem with educated Blacks is that they always have some stupid ass niggers in their families that want to move into White neighborhoods.

    I don’t want to train the niggers to do anything but leave.

    I want a race war to finally end all this bull shit once and for all, so that the rest of us can live in peace.

    • NoSympathizerBut says:

      You can’t be saying that all of them should be destroyed. That’s called genocide. Unfortunately, some of my neighbors are blacks. I watch them carefully. They’re always barbecuing and NEVER cut their lawn. But I don’t think they should be destroyed. I just don’t want them living in my community. That’s what I call responsible racism.

      I just don’t think destroying all of them has to happen in order for us have peace.

  34. whitegirl says:

    i can not beleive this. you guys are rediculous. you make me sick and i honestly can not beleive that you are going to blame the death of ck on this ‘black foot soldier’ shit. your ridiculous and need to get a life. what happened happened and we’re at a loss for the life of ck and it truely hurts. and for some stupid men to be running around saying this is reparation n shit is wack. you absolutlely disgust me and i hope the men who did this to ck and all the people who support the men who did this rot in hell and die. fuck u.

    • inthenameofx says:

      Without question he was a reparations offender. Without question he was in violation of being ourdoors in the hours permissable in theNational Curfew for Whites.

      While no one’s come forward to confirm that he was a NIGGER WORD THINKER, again, enough people who have called themselves their friends, by their language, have demonstrated that he most likely was.

      You devils need to start acting like you know you are in the new age. Ask Chris how important it is.

      • nigger hater says:

        there is no such thing as a curfew for whites. ill go outside whenever i fucking please so fuck you nigger your all worthless drains on society and i doubt any of you have ever had a job that lasted longer than week. Drug dealing and stealing excluded.

      • Shocked says:

        I can honestly say that i am shocked there is so much ignorance all focused in one place. First of all i would like to point out the fact that you people are first of all crazy for the whole idea about uv rays and peoples brains???? i mean come on honestly that just tell me ur fuckin crazy in the first place. Now back to the main topic, u say it has not been confirmed that ck was a nigger word thinker??? dude last time i checked you can think whatever you want, not to mention ck was not a racist in the slightest, however last time i checked it was illegal to murder someone, and guess what race card its still illegal to murder anyone of ANY RACE!!! so dont play that race card bullshit…. and i white person curfue??? Really?? who exactly do you think you are??? i mean honestly im not a person to throw out the n word, i believe there are as many great black people as there are white, with that being said there are just as many piece of shit worthless motherfuckers on both sides…take a guess at what side you fall on????

        • skunkcousins says:

          things have changed and are changing since the last time you checked. with our evolutionary mastership, you devils will no longer get away with your vile thoughts that have plagued the earth. after the day of the power exchange, you will be checked for each reprobate thought you have.

          for too long you have gotten away with your sick thoughts that all to often become realities and then, atrocities for others.

          that the ozone has opened and began the process of separating the wheat from the chaff signifies that the new age is upon us.

          “ultraviolet light is the fire of the 2nd rapture of the sun of god” – yakub muslims

          • Shocked says:

            YOU KILLED A 23 YEAR OLD KID!!! there is not justifying that, how can you even believe your own ignorance… and if do believe this then why have you not killed any nigger thinkers yourself bad ass? your message to important that you have to hide behind a computer?

      • nigger hater says:

        come over to america and try to enforce that fucking bullshit i cut your fucking nigger dick off and ship it back to africa

  35. Typical Nigger Behavior says:

    This is typical nigger behavior. How can you say that he got what he desereved because he was thinking the word nigger. You say that he deserved to get his head stomped in. I hope those NIGGERS rot in prison for the rest of their lives. You say white people are racist, well this gives them a reason to be racist. I have friends who are black and they are good people but their is a difference from them and the people who commited this terrible crime and I am sorry for my friends to have to be associated with the Mother Fuckers who commited this crime. There are monkeys in the zoo that know better than the niggers that killed this young man that had more potential than any of these so called black foot soldiers.

  36. Dumb Fuckin' Niggers says:

    What the fuck is wrong with you dumb niggers? Do you hear what your saying???? Everyone that “thinks” the word nigger should get stompted on like him? First of all, how the fuck do you know that the kid was thinking the word nigger, that in itself is something a dumb nigger would say. If thats the case, what should happen to the kids that actually say the word nigger??? I no black people that think that other black people are niggers, so should they die to??? If you honestly think that this kid should not be barried and are protesting his funeral, take a second and think like a white person……thats why we call you niggers, when shit like this happens. He was BRUTALLY beat to death, yet doesnt deserve a burial? I cant believe these niggers are only going to prison, if something like this doesnt deserve the death penalty(beating a man to death for”thinking” the word nigger) then I dont know what does.

  37. Kill Niggas says:

    Hey NIGGERS — your nigger hoodrats will be going down. And others will be going down on your niggers in prison.
    All of you niggers should be killed.

    Not black people. But niggers like these 2 that intentionally attacked 3 white people. I hope they are sentenced to life in prison — if not the death penalty. Too bad we don’t use ol’ sparky anymore because all of the “juice” that comes from niggers hair and skin would fry him instantly.

    Hey NIGGERS — Why don’t you worthless niggers go to Church’s and get me some chicken, NIGGERS!! Go fuck yourselves.

    BTW…the niggers in my neighborhood that tried shit with me not too long ago wound up in the hospital with several heads gashes when they hit the cement. Since I did not yell anything racial, it wasn’t a hate crime. But I thought those niggers — and the others — a lesson.

  38. A white supremacist thanks to u porchmonkeys says:

    U guys are all niggers he didn’t do anything to u so suck a fat dick and pick me some fucking cotton. Niggers hate stereotypes yet they have a racial commitment to crime so have fun eating bananas, kool aid, watermelon, and fried chicken in hell you fucking jigaboo assholes. I want to see those niggers that did this get put to death and I want to fucking watch it.

  39. tupac says:

    let the lord judge the criminals

  40. fuck you you stupid ass upright walking gorilla tree swinging nappy headed greasy, ashy bitch, white palmed porchmonkey, spook, jiggaboo, big lipped nigger and all your little niglets hope all of you (national black foot soldiers) are hanging from a tree someday for this bullshit you are saying about ck….hope you burn in hell and may god not have mercy on you because the god you worship is fucking worthless and come to my fucking town and fuck with anyone and you’ll be looking down the barrel of a shotgun after my dogs have cornered you and then your nappy ass will be swinging from a tree so high that none of your nigger friends could jump up and cut your ass down….and no I’m not from the south i am from fucking northwest ohio bitch so march on in here and show me that your a real fucking orginization and not some niger in nigeria

    • Vincent Felon says:

      I’m sure that’s the same kind of shit tough guy Chris talked when he was with his devils too.

      Kind of shit he was prolly thinking that sparked the beat down.

      • shit guy chris didnt say shit you stupid nigger you think he thought something..well im guessing you know what im thinking about bitch

      • fuckingchickenshitporchmonkeys says:

        fuck you vinny you downlow cum guzzling nigger faggot… tupac is waiting for you.. to suck his cock in hell. you murderous babyraping crackwhore. eat shit and die. motherfucker.

  41. and tupac is dead motherfucker get over it

  42. and malcom x a couple posts ago name me one of your nigger grandpappies that was a slave

    • Slaughter Lightfoot says:


      Your fore bearers’ refusal to pay restitution to our ancestors was based on their corrupt rulership and racism – not because it wasn’t owed. It is remarkable that of the grand legacy they left you, all you have is your hatred and the word “nigger.”

      Where’s your plantation?

      Slaughter Lightfoot

  43. slaughterfoot your a bitch i really hope this group are not saying your some type of muslims if you are then you are a fucking hypocrite and the prophet mohammed is rolling over in his grave

  44. and if you want a fucking race war you can have it…remeber who the fucking minority is bitch

  45. and if you want to keep talking shit about ck go ahead karmas a bitch and soon someone you love will be laying on the street

  46. and dont tell me black people are under privileged cause i go to a university where pretty much all black kids from toledo go for free you wanna know whats racist to losing your job to a fucking nigger just because he is a nigger even though your more qualified

  47. slaughter give me some fucking logical reason why some person derserves to get their ass beat when they dont say something…and if you say he was thinking it then you are a joke cause you have no idea what goes through peoples mind cause you are a uneducated fatherless jobless nigger

    • Slaughter Lightfoot says:

      Is it your position, then, that the evolutionary mastership our race is experiencing (that is responsible for such things as our ability to hear your thoughts and direct Ultraviolet Light) doesn’t exist and isn’t happening? Are you, then saying evolution itself has ended. Clearly we have very (undeniable) different relationships with nature. In the last 50 years the incidence of and mortality from melanoma has increased specifically in all developed countries with large Caucasian populations. Your (Western) science notes some of the superficial differences the increased amounts in UV in our atmosphere between us, but it’s not noting them all. The people you have hated, disrespected and unjustly imprisoned are evolving into new beings, while you are disintegrating, right before your eyes.

      No insult, see: “Checkmate Cracker: Smaller Penises, Clunky Larger Brains & Weak Skin: Where Charles Darwin, Louis Leakey, Charles S. Coon, Adolph Hilter & You Failed,” by Antioch Hades; (plus: the Naomi Williams Melanoma Execution)


      • bullshit that last race to evovle would be niggers and especially ignorant niggers such as yourself and wow we have skin cancer half of your race has aids id rather at least has a chance to survive, and fuck you you worthless piece of insensitive shit my dad had skin cancer and survived, and also half of your race is killing each other etc. bloods crips and all other worthless excuse of a gang

        • Slaughter Lightfoot says:

          There is a profound difference in not being able to stand in the light of the sun and the suffering from the manmade disease, AIDS. The former is condemnation, the latter is a diabolical device of man.

          The ironic thing about it, since you brought it up, is that there are cases in both Africa and here in America where black children whose parents, both of them, have full blown AIDS are born without it. Additionally there is evidence that intake of proper levels of UV light through the 3rd eye not only heals (reverts) AIDS and HIV but also acts as a purifier and cleansing cancers and other disorders.

          In many circles, the gene responsible for this is referred to as The Gene of God. It was/is the gene responsible for saving our race, in Africa, from being wiped out from Malaria. Evolution. The shape of the gene changed so our cells could again fit through the ventricles. See: Sickle Cell VS Melanoma for Dummies.

          AIDS, however, is a much weaker disease that the God gene’s already whipped.

          Respecfully, the dominant gene is black and your flesh is consumed by mere glances of those who study the new Ultraviolet Light sciences.

          In the words of scientist and artist Wyzedom: What our 3rd Eye Doesn’t Spot, The Sun of God Will!


          • “Additionally there is evidence that intake of proper levels of UV light through the 3rd eye not only heals (reverts) AIDS and HIV but also acts as a purifier and cleansing cancers and other disorders”

            haha that is such bs…are you willing to test that theory on yourself or are you just gonna keep making such obscene remarks

          • and 50 bucks says my third eye is bigger

          • nigger hater says:

            haha niggers get sunburnt too

          • 50 cent...gggggg unit says:

            Im assuming you never took genetics. AIDS is a retrovirus, meaning it replicates its DNA through an RNA intermediate. To explain how that one child did not get it is because the AIDS virus’s DNA incoorpates its DNA through splicing the DNA of the host cell. From that replication and transcription and tranlation can be done to produce the AIDS virus. Now when the mom and dads gamets meet both of them meraculously by probability did not have the carried AIDS genetic material with the host genetic material.

            If you dont beleive me this is also true with albinoism, dwarism, and other gamet defects that can produce a normal child.

            btw Iam a biochem major so Im not bs this. I just infact learned this stuff this past tuesday.

      • and all it sounds like is that you “boys” smoked some cheap ass crack that you found on the corner which reminds me that is one of the many problems that you plague us with since they are to cheap to buy anything else

      • slaughter am i getting to you?

        cause your logic is a joke black people haven’t evolved to the point where they can read people’s mind…go to fucking college and you might learn some shit you stupid bitch and while your at it why don’t you just drive over here and suck my third eye

  48. Bite The Curb Nigger says:

    All of you piece of shit niggers need to shut your stupid nigger mouths. A kid fucking died and you want to protest his funeral. You are a stupid fucking nigger. Why don’t you go do us all a favor and go fuck a fat white chick who likes to suck your nigger dicks you stupid nigger fucking piece of shit. If i ever see you guys I’m gonna pull an Edward Norton on you piece of shit and make you bite the curb like it was chicken and waffles you niggers. There doesn’t go a day where I don’t walk by a black nigger and think holy shit what a nigger! Like honestly, what the fuck are you stupid porchmonkeys thinking? Honestly, who throws poo, let alone nigger poo. I hope you pieces of shit wore those cotton gloves you made so you didn’t get your ashy nigger hands dirty. Speaking of cotton, don’t you niggers have something to pick?

  49. Typical Nigger Behavior says:

    The Kent State University Police are investigating a strong-arm robbery and assault that occurred at 3:17 a.m. Sunday morning in the Commons area, north of the art building. Two Kent State University students report being robbed and assaulted by four subjects. All the subjects are described as BLACK males approximately 6′ tall with athletic builds and wearing jeans and tennis shoes. The first suspect has facial hair and was wearing a black thermal shirt. The second suspect had a white track jacket with a star on the left side that was possibly red in color and he was wearing a grey skullcap. The third suspect was wearing a white t-shirt and the fourth had a red hoodie sweatshirt. The victims were treated for minor injuries at the scene

    This is what you call Typical Nigger Behavior also known as TNB.

  50. anonymous says:

    This whole website makes me very sad. And very scared for the future of our country. I don’t understand how people can have so much hate for another person because of the color of their skin. Growing up, I was raised to never see color. I see people as people, every person has good and evil in them. Every race has good and evil in them. I don’t understand stereotyping and I don’t understand race crimes. There is no excuse for what happened in the past with slavery. I feel that white people should not have to pay for what their ancestors have dont many, many years ago. There is no bigger hate crim that I can think of besides the attempt at genocide with the Holocaust during WWII. Germans tried to literally eliminate a whole race of people, but I have yet to ever hear about, or see a Jewish person getting their “reparations” or revenge on Germans. The jewish community rebuilt themselves and are very successful as a whole, and they did it in a very peaceful way. Violence and hate isn’t the answer, all it does is spur more violence and hate. I will be praying for every person who has this disgusting, unexcusable hate for another human being. I hope that everyone will someday find christ and learn to live for christ.

    RIP CK your family and your attackers will be in my prayers

  51. oh yea and can’t wait to hear the verdict of your fellow hood rats getting a life sentence….to bad it’s not texas they prolly just wave the trial and just toss the rope up around the tree tmrw

  52. typical nigger behavior…….knocking some bitch up then going on maury to take a dna test (for males)

    getting knocked up by some hood rat and then going on maury and after testing 12 guys finally finding the father so you can try and milk him for child support but in reality your not gonna get shit (for females)

  53. and surpisingly the thing is I like black people I live right next to a city and go to a college with over 3,000 black students in the same city….its the niggers and hoodrats like slaughter, inthenameofx and felon that i hate….shit i have a black kid sitting right next to me and he just told me he doesn’t know what the fuck im thinking

  54. blackorwhite says:

    Please people, commenting on this post will feed the fire. Racism will only grow from hatred like this. God asked us to love our neighbors. I love black and white people. I love yellow, red, orange, and pink people too.

    • inthenameofx says:

      “Love your neighbor?”

      Reminds me of a poem by St. Nicolas Thief:

      Of Those of Us Who Didin’t:

      In a robbery, we’ll probably pop your spouse. Too, we’re the shadows selling dope. And there be Barbie faces out there hunting crack to smoke;

      Our stories front page daily. From your work, we follow you home. At red lights we bump your cars from behind and put guns upside your dome.

      Now, dome be ghetto for head! But there’s more ghetto you should know! Chill mean don’t be stupid! Give up the money and we’ll go!
      But haves say “no” & for money give poverty a fight kind of funny you’ll die for money but for me won’t lay down your life;

      So you ain’t the Christ & ain’t got him in you. Yet to church each Sunday you go. Talkin’ bout: we love our brothers: Yall some hypocrites you know!

      Oh, and you love to champion the blacks you say overcame pover-racism; but this is the voice that speaks for countless masses of those of us who didn’t! Didn’t overcome your poverty! Didn’t novercome your racism! Didn’t overcome you hatred!

      And come knocking at your doors!

      • well_armed says:

        Again, more firearms in the white community than there are soldiers in the entire world… feel like playing the odds of pulling that .25 auto on a white person, one of these days they’ll up the ante on you with a .357 mag and your poker days will be over awful quick as they say.

        When are you guys and the Aryan Brotherhood going to have it out? The world would be better off without both of you…

        Anarchy in our lifetime

  55. speechless says:

    It breaks my heart at the anger and the raw resentment. CK was a human, a real in the flesh breathing living person who was struck down. Doesn’t matter black or white (me personally neither) its the fact that we as a human race can be so cannibalistic toward one another with no sympathy or regrets toward hurting one another. It breaks my heart hearing CK’s name smeared into the race mess in our society. Must we try to make excuses for violent actions taken? Can we not just mourn the loss of a good human being who cared about life and love and people. He loved everyone wanted to make the best of life. He was an outgoing always loving guy. I hate the n-word or any type of racist slur toward any race. Why has CK become a poster kid for this evil revolution? (Blackfoot soldiers) This website and the hatred it ensues leaves me speechless.

    • skunkcousins says:

      but the injustice and lack of restitution to me and my people doesn’t break your foul heart?

      sick hypocrite. fuck chris.

      • nigger hater says:

        fuck you worthless crack dealing methhead niggers you dont deserve shit. your worthless. we didn’t do shit to you it was 300 fucking years ago drop it

      • speechless says:

        no don’t turn this around to feed the fire towards your strife. I myself have been put thru racist shit all my life. You think the things I said don’t relate to everyone? Why don’t you re-read my comment and look at the big picture? And how can anyone be so passionate about your people and not take the same to all walks of life? I’m a hypocrite?

  56. Anonymous says:

    I’ve heard rumor that these so called cowards will be protesting in the future over this matter. Just remember we all meet our maker at some point. Our actions will be judged and there is no escape. If Chris actually did say a racial slur he will be judged. All I have to say is, I wouldn’t want murder to be written in my book of life. In regards to the attacks on Chris. Be extremely careful from here on out. You never know who may be reading these comments. Remember, your computer can be uniquely identified 🙂

  57. nigger hater says:

    niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers

    all this website is is a bunch of niggers wanting free shit without having to work for it…. big fucking surprise…. typical moon cricket behaviour

  58. Anonymous says:

    [img src=””]

    LET THE FUN BEGIN 😀 😀 😀 😀

  59. Wowzers says:

    Everyone who keeps yelling at these “people” (and I use that term loosely, obviously) needs to calm down.
    It is so very apparent that whoever is in charge of this web site is more than slightly insane. Please note that they say they’ve developed the ability to read minds and do something with ultraviolet rays (I couldn’t read anything they said too in-depth). They are clearly mentally unstable and probably feed on the anger you throw at them.
    Please, save your time and energy and stop fueling their fire.
    To the creators and supporters of this website: please realize that we are all human beings and no one deserves to be beat to death, no matter what their race nor what point of view they have. Not even people who are as hate-filled and ignorant as you.

  60. VeVe says:

    Black people will never get it. Black people accept and praise the most depraved behavior then wonder why no one, even other black people, don’t want to be near them. Responsibility is a foreign concept to black people.

  61. john says:

    why don’t we just remove the word nigger from the english language, then nobody will be able to think it and the niggers won’t hate us anymore.

    btw, there was restitution. KFC gave away a free meal not too long ago, that new boneless chicken. how is that by the way? figured posting that here would give me the quickest response.

    seriously though, grow up. you have no solution to the problem of nigger thinkers. you’re stupid and racist and should go kick the bucket. don’t like it here, go back to africa and be with your people.

  62. Anonymous says:

    chris was a nice guy, who cares if he called someone a nigger. whens the last time a white person killed someone for calling them a cracker? This world is turning into something so fucking sick, i can’t even bare to see shit like this happen

    • skunkcousins says:

      chris was a nice guy, who cares if he called someone a nigger. whens the last time a white person killed someone for calling them a cracker? This world is turning into something so fucking sick, i can’t even bare to see shit like this happen

      a nice devil? it’s about what he was “THINKING not about what he said! this world is turning into something sick? not like there’s an abundance of them, but you are one disillusioned devil.


  63. Anonymous says:

    I find it amazing that someone actually believes Chris would support global terrorism. These words are absolutely hilarious. To think that people actually believe this nonsense is just unacceptable. We all know the truth yet this group is unable to come to terms with it. Is this just your chance to possibly shine in the spot light by disrespecting a decent person’s name? So that you can spread your false propaganda? If these goals are correct and Chris has become a victim of it. Just be careful where you tread next and I hope your next decisions will be wise.

  64. Confused says:

    Ohio Yakub Muslim elders,

    So exactly how many people have come forward and bear witness against him so far? I’d be interested in hearing some numbers because I’m pretty sure the numbers are at or close to NONE.

  65. jihadamen says:

    I joined the Black Foot Soldiers in my city last week and am now learning the new laws for the day of the power exchange. I am also learning the new Ultraviolet Light sciences. I’m not hearing their thoughts yet, but am with brothers who do.

    For me, this is the movement of our generation. Living with these dead white devils was like living with constipation.

    I’m encouraged by your words and your writings. In tradition, the brothers gave me my new name Jihad Amen.

  66. skunkcousins says:

    welcome to the family.

    directing uv light with your 3rd eye is immediate, there is no waiting. reaching the consciousness to hearing their thoughts is different and now, like a weak radio reception, comes and goes. this is said to be b/c the amount of UV in the atmosphere hasn’t reached the maximum required for our complete evolution. when that point is reached, that is the day of the power exchange. as in the days when we left heaven and came to the earth and vice versa, we’ll be transforming from flesh to energy again

    your funky brother skunk

  67. rip chris :( says:

    I have known Chris almost my entire life and I know damn well he hated racism more than anyone that I know! BLACK PEOPLE ARE THE MOST RACIST PEOPLE! Open your eyes! I can’t believe I fucking lost a friend because of a THOUGHT 2 black people assumed he had. They deserve to get a beat down like my buddy did. They dont deserve to be on this earth.

  68. You devils don’t have the right to think the hateful thoughts anymore. This is glorious! The rightful reward for you and your atrocities is to be made less than what you made us and for you to be treated worse than you have treated all people of color.

    Hence, you won’t be even get to be slaves. The new holy books say you are only for abuse and imprisonment. This if fitting and righteous. It all starts with knowing what you’re thinking and holding you accountable for it.

    “You’re naked,” the Serpent said to Adam & Eve in the Garden. He said that because he knew something about them they hadn’t yet learned about themselves. When they learned it, they got scared and hid in clothes.

    You’re naked, white devil and there are no clothes for you to hide in.

    • oj chimpson says:

      An you’re completely insane. you’re magjigic kenyan is not going to save you. Goddamned uppity murderous fucking nigger, or are you a faggot assed liberal nigger enabler. either way, eat shit.

      • jihadamen says:

        “Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer (which is interpreted as whites) will be stubble, and that day that is coming will set them on fire,” says the LORD Almighty. “Not a root or a branch will be left to them. But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.

        SPF is not going to save you.

        • COMBATVET says:

          SPF may not save……..BUT S&W will sure do the trick now……….DUMB ASS

          • tupac says:

            haha I love how everyone uses the bible in every argument. It is a bad thing to use in an argument because people beleive in diffrent stuff (such as white ppl are considered devils when im sure in some other txt we are not). Im curious as to how many people on here have graduated highschool….Read Phiolosophy Gym (ya i know I cant spell. thats why im a biochem major not an english major)

  69. Anonymous says:

    All I have to say is be smart don’t be a retard. If you think UV light will keep a fist from coming at your face. Well, you better think twice 🙂

  70. Brittney says:

    Those who ACTUALLY knew Chris knew he wasn’t racist! He had many black friends and this post is fucking pathetic and far from true. There is no excuse for what they did to him. Those who beat him to death and those who support this cruel act will burn in hell.

    • jihadamen says:

      Having black friends means you’re not a racist? Since when? A lot of brothers at the Mosque talk about whites who call themselves their friends but, all the while they are in their presence, are thinking “nigger” and about our penises, noses & lips and thinking all kind of derogatory things. Yesterday, one brother went to the podium during testimony service and described how, while at work at a coffee house, a devil kept thinking “I’m not racist” and then would think “nigger” everytime a black person on the sidewalk passed.

      Is it all just one sick game to you creatures?

      • Anonymous says:

        Why should only a few morons represent an entire race of millions of people? It’s just like throwing feces and urine on people isn’t resembling what monkeys do when they’re excited. Does that group represent your entire race reputably? No, I didn’t think so. If you can’t live life as an individual and think for yourself. Your no better than the ones you hate. Rise above not against.

      • tupac says:

        I do recall one day when I was walking across the black devil I heard him think honkey-white ass cracker. So I told my fellow white foot soliders and they said we should go kill him because you heard him think that

  71. white people says:

    Whoever posted this is a sick mother fucker. You people are sick. Why would you post something like. You people make me sick to my stomach. You are the scum of this earth. To even think about doing this to someone. Its honestly typical of what I expect everyday from you. Why would you kill a man for thinking about saying a word. First of all how do you even know he was. And second of all who gives a fuck if he was thinking it. It doesnt mean you can go beat a man to death. I hope you fucking rot in prison you sick mother fucker. And i say this truly meaning it. GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM. NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE IN AMERICA.

  72. matt hemmelgarn says:

    get a fucking life a friend just died, we’re honoring his death, he was a great guy and is loved by tons and we will miss him dearly. making this a race factor is just ridiculous we both came from dayton area schools he was never into the race shit. get a life and grow a set!!

    • Slaughter Lightfoot says:

      One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

      Slaughter Lightfoot

      • COMBATVET says:

        If you are local to the Kent Ohio area and wish to continue you so-called “movement”. Let me be the first to invite you to Cuyahoga Falls. I would also like to get alittle more exact for you and invite you to ARCADIA AVE. Come TRY and enforce your new Dumb-ass rules. Bring pleanty of your your so called Black Foot Slobs with you. They do not deserve to be called Soldiers for they have not earned that title that so many BRAVE MEN have earned. You will LOSE!!! Now lets see if you guys are the big cowards we all know you are!!

        • COMBATVET says:

          NO TAKERS…….JUST WHAT I THOUGHT COWARDS!!!!…………The invite is still there….. Bring your National Curfew for Whites……Ignorant ASSES!!!!!

          • fuckingchickenshitporchmonkeys says:

            I’m on you’re side, too hell with these Goddamned murdering pieces of shit babyraping cowardly niggers. The niggers here are nothing more than wannabe faggot domestic terrorist bitches, with visions of grandeur.. and traitorist talaban simpathizers. fuck’em all. Goddamned worthless splibbs.

      • Avenger says:

        hey asswipe what country are you blogging from/ but more importantly who at ksu is helping you? can you hear the FBI coming for your friend on U.S. Soil?

        • COMBATVET says:

          Dont really know who AVENGER is talking to….I am on U.S. SOIL… I have no one helping me at KSU, nor do I need anyone I do see that none of the NBFS jerk offs have had anything to say…..

      • nigger hater says:

        i will bet money that if your niggerfoot soldiers protest the funeral they will end up dead

      • tupac says:

        I like you how much?


  73. matt hemmelgarn says:

    btw everyone just ignor ethis i know with the times we’re facing due to cks death its hard but were stooping to their level. when i said honor ck arguing over names is pointless let us remember our loved friend the way we did, giving into these comments they make show that there are race problems and if we stop their just talking to themselves.let them say whatever they are just words brush em off and lets remember our friend together these guys will just disappear. for this website thats my legit name you hide behind names because you yourselves have become cowards you want make times that are already tough even tougher. this isnt just here, the world you live in is crumbling second by second but all you wanna do is add to it. my friend was a good man. we will honor him…..

    • skunkcousins says:

      my friend was a good man. we will honor him…..

      a “good man” in the eyes of a white devil whose people have imperialized and murdered countries and men all over the globe. a “good man”

      history proves the world is better off without “white good.”

      • COMBATVET says:

        skunkcousins…..have you ever left the U.S?? probably not moron…… This young man that died was nothing more than a college student with life ahead of him. You on the other hand probable have a long life filled with dumb ass sensless hate…….keep talking about “white hate” and how messed up the U.S. government is while you propbably attend school yourself on U.S GRANTS AND LOANS….keep on hateing idiot.

        • oj chimpson says:

          yes your right, CombatVet.. that idiot skunky probably hasn’t let the 20 mile radius of where it lives, it’s whole pathetic nigger enabling crack addicted life. but, in one breath, skunk will claim it’s authority on everything under the sun twice. btw, I sure, Avenger was speaking to slaughter.

          • COMBATVET says:

            Thanks OJ….I was pretty sure about AVENGER as well after reading some of his other posts…..Have you noticed none of the COWARDS of the so called NBFS have had anything to say when called out on the carpet??? I refuse to believe that this select group of idiots represent a whole race of people…..It is a shame of how they discrace themselves. People lets not forget that not all people of Afican American desent think like these idiots. I had never met CK however it would not be an honor to him if we allow ourselves to believe these idiots represent a whole race of people.

            • oj chimpson says:

              I apologize but, that’s where you an I may differ.. I’m convinced that all apefreakin unAmericans of africanzied dessent are sub-primate. an that they all should be euthanized, with extreme prejudice and enthusiasm.

              • COMBATVET says:

                OJ…we can agree to dis agree. What I am getting at is that none of these DUMB ASS, NBFS cowards are willing to actually act out…..Sure they will speak up on the net, but not face to face…. OJ did I leave any doubt that I was serious in my request to them above?? If so can you put it in words that they may understand since they dont seem to acknowledge me. I even gave them the street name man!!! I am sure you agree that where most of us come from if you get called out and dont do anything about it you are forever labled a PUSSY COWARD!!

  74. Grob Hahn says:

    The real shame here is anyone thinking the man “deserved” to be murdered. Such thinking is pure arrogance and the psychotic drive to carry it out is not something to be justified or rewarded. The very thought that modern people “deserve” to be punished for the deeds of those dead more than a century is a level of insanity that calls for therapy. We have a culture in America who thinks they “deserve” to be above the law because of the color of their skin and that others deserve their wrath simply because of the color of their skin.

  75. matt hemmelgarn says:

    well in this case we’re not talking about trash, we’re talking about a friend who passed because of cruel mistakes. you see you make this website and what does it technically do for you? do you find the courage to talk race on here when you wont do it in public. you say protest i call you weak. heres the reasoning your weak! you keep this race war going on why? because your so stuck in the past when you never even lived in the slave times. what happened back in those days shouldnt have happened. freedom yes i agree for everyone. but theres a line, we cant help what happened then but you can now! times are tough enough in this world. to keep having small battles when theres never a war is no answer its pointless. this incident with chris is sickening. he was loved and will be honored as a great friend and an honorable human being! that name that posts this message thats my legit name, i have nothing to hide. why hide behind yours people you wanna speak out quit being weak. i have a friend that passed away and this is what i get to see…..if one mans trash is anothers treasure then so be it but this website does no good trash it right along with my trash…………….

  76. Jlegg says:

    Word = Death?

  77. Anonymous says:

    Dear Lord, look how sick this ghetto made us, sincerely
    yours I’m a thug, the product of a broken home
    Everybody’s doped up, nigga what you smokin on?
    Figure if we high they can train us
    but then America fucked up and blamed us
    I guess it’s cause we black that we targets
    My only fear is God, I spit that hard shit
    In case you don’t know, I let my pump go
    Get ?ride for M’Thulu? like I ride for Geronimo
    Down to die, for everything I represent
    Meant every word, in my letter to the President

  78. peace says:

    I don’t understand anyone of you. I am from Kent, knew Chris, and am mixed (black and white). Maybe I can see everything a little better than everyone. Nigger is an ugly, disgusting word. Anyone who uses that word deserves something bad; HOWEVER, NOTHING CONSTITUTES THE DEATH OF ANOTHER HUMAN BEING. I don’t believe CK would have ever used something like that towards someone. This wasn’t a race related issue! We might not ever know what, if anything, provoked the vicious beating, BUT WHY does everything need to go back to race?! Just because the two men who caused his death were black, color has to be brought up? EVERY RACE commits senseless crimes. It’s almost 2010, we have a black president, a Hispanic supreme court justice…why the FUCK is race still an issue. If black people really want to gain power and respect, and if white people want to keep the little respect left, BE PEACEFUL!

    • D says:

      Thank you!!! Everything on this site is disgusting….People who honestly think this way and believe that it is appropriate to say “nigger” is appalling. I hope Chris rests in peace but seriously there is no reason to bring the race card into the picture.

  79. tupac says:

    I just wanna say that beyonce had the best music video of all time

  80. inthenameofx says:

    Fuck NSYNC. Pussies.

  81. Nigger Hater says:

    Fuck you niggers!!!

  82. If it wasn’t for those racist whites bringing your African savage asses over here you still would be chasing down for zebras and killing each other for deserts and jungles and fucking monkeys you should be thanking us all

  83. Craig Jahns says:

    How many of you nig-nog, porch monkey, jigaboo, ape faced coons have fucked Kendra? Well that’s all I wanted to know now I have to get back to work. Oh wait……..

  84. Kendra says:

    Fuck you craig i only fucked a couple hundred niggers and you got fired for coming into work high. something a nigger would do

  85. Luke says:

    I’m a firefighter!

  86. Nigga says:


  87. blackfootsoldiersarepussies says:

    Matt hates the Black Foot Soldiers.

  88. Jake Davis says:

    When i get sent to prison, I hope and pray i’m locked up with one of them dirty ass fuckers that did this. I will end their life just as they did his. Brutally beating the fucker to death. Mark my words

    • skunkcousins says:

      punk ass you got a pretty mouth and pee sitting down. you wanna be locked up with them to suck they dicks

      • Jake Davis says:

        “suck they dicks” hahahahaha you are so fucking ignorant. id end your life too pussy.

        • COMBATVET says:

          Skunkcousins is GARBAGE!!!! He is just a talker….No action…..He is a fucking nerd who will only stand up for himself behind the saftey of his computer screen…..fuck him…BTW Skunk…..Have a Happy Welfare Funded Thanksgiving.!!!!

  89. jrock says:

    LOL!!! come protest chris’s funeral. I have a clip full of .45 cal reperations for you ashy fucks. Some more .223 in the trunk incase you dumb fucks dont run scared. Anyone of chris’s friends that let theese fucks protest infront of the hospital and didnt do shit is straight pussy.

  90. Nigger Thinker says:

    I think “nigger” when I read stories like this.

  91. THE DEVIL says:

    This site amuses me you say that he was a reparations offender exactly what are these reparations you speak of? Why exactly do you think your people deserve reparations? None of you have experienced any hardship that was not brought on by yourselves. Your ancestors may have experienced hardship but how did you suffer from that? Also anyone who has ever attended a high school history class would know that the slaves that were brought from africa were sold by there own people. You should be thankful that weve allowed your people to stay in our country as long as we have because lord knows none of you have ever really made a valuable contribution to society. You also speak of eliminating this so called white devil where in any legit religious text does it state that the white man is evil? Im pretty positive that your bullshit doctrine of Yakub is the only text that states this. The Nation of Islam is just another cult that preys on ignorant people just like scientology. I know all of you now have this amazing mind reading super power (sarcasm for those who werent sure) but how do you think your going to eliminate the evil white race I dont think you guys have really thought this through look at the numbers its just not plausible. Oh yeah what was I thinking you are using that fine art of street guerrilla warfare tactics that you all are so highly trained in (sarcasm again). So lets say your wonderful sun of god or whatever it is you worship provides you with a miracle and you do eliminate the white devil and we are all rotting in hell now its time to establish a goverment and productive society do you really think your people are capable of such a task? I know you’ve really proven yourselves in the past with all of those great countries in africa such as rwanda and somalia. Now judging by the quality of this site im assuming that it is written by a bunch of angry misinformed black people who have nothing better to do but to cause problems (suprise!!!)

    • Slaughter Lightfoot says:

      Justice is always amusing to The Devil, isn’t it?

      Slaughter Lightfoot,

      • if it walks like an ape, ooks & eeks like an ape, guess what? it's a fucking nigger. says:

        yakub’s down at the gates of Hell sucking off the hounds again. damn yakub’s one nasty assed fucked up nigger. you’re not Islamic slaughter, true Muslims dispise you. so does yakub he says you have no faith.

      • THE DEVIL says:

        Im amused much more by the fact that you consider this justice than anything.

  92. asshole says:

    Why the fuck would u fucking niggers would do something like that to chris kernich, he did not deserve to die. He might have said the nigger word, but hey, all the fucking black people say it? so why cant white people say it? you fucking blackfoot bitches brought death to a young man that was very respected in fairborn and was attending college. You guys are sooo fucking over-rated and think yall gonna rule the whole fucking place because you killed somebody for the wrong fucking reason? nah you dumbass fuckin cuntlickers, go to school and get some common sense and learn the right’s and wrong’s. He will be missed in this small town in fairborn, and you guys wont be missed after you die. i have spoken……BITCHASSSSS MOTHAFUCKA NIGGGGGGAA NIGGGGGAAA

  93. awesome says:

    If I had 1 cent for every time someone got angry in a forum on the internet, I would have about 50 billion dollars by now.

  94. COMBATVET says:

    Here is the deal. All these Idiots on here who keep talking about how the “Black man will rule” are a bunch of dumb asses….Most of them posting on here need the whiteman just to continue on…They are probably typeing on computers we whites bought for him thru U.S. STUDENT GRANTS AND LOANS…..Hey idiots where do you think the money comes from to pay for your school??? The Yakum Muslim God does not miracle that shit…..The U.S. Census reports that the vast majority of taxpayers in this country are white, therefore those U.S. GRANTS AND LOANS that YOU use are paid by whites!!!!


  95. anonomous says:

    I cant believe what i read. More so i cant believe anyone ever freed your ass i think niggers are good every white man should have one or two, one of them could cook and the other to just beat the piss out of, what did our country ever come to letting niggers in, they begged to come here and they knew they would be slaves but they wanted work your ancesters would be ashamed that you think we owe you something we owe you nothing. You wanted to come here we didnt ask you to come now get over the racism shit and get a life you fucking assholes. Havent you realized that america was nice enough to donate a month to you but what you fail to realize is that you got the shortest month of year because nobody in the country gives a fuck about you People like you give a bad rep to the good black people, you cant face the fact there are white people and white trash people and there are black people and the niggers. No everything always have to be about the blacks. I will pay for your fare if you will just get back on the boat. Fuck all you haters

  96. Anonymous says:

    These Black Foot Soldiers throw their own shit! They act like their own stereotypes… MONKEYS! Don’t take shit from a monkey. We’ve evolved passed that 🙂

  97. Anonymous says:

    Fuck Malcolm X
    Fuck W.E.B. DuBois
    Fuck Amiri Baraka
    Fuck Islam
    Fuck Yakub!

    MLK wanted peace. Malcolm X wanted hate.

    Enough said.

  98. Anonymous says:

    It is sad that there is so much hatred out there on both sides. We are all created in the image of God!
    Stop Hate
    Start Love

  99. nubiangeneration says:

    “yakub weeps?”

    Yakub and his army of scientists only wept after making you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wrong again..sub primate.. what you have just witnessed is only a small sample of my eminence of strength and ambient power. That’s the delayed rippling echo effect of transmission across the vast celestial plane. ..nothing to be alarmed of, as far as you know. Make no attempt to use you’re worthless ineffective Uv beams in retaliation. The alternating polarity of you’re primitive pathetic beams will reach a zenith, and actually reverse, and you will be calcified, sterilzed and horribly burned beyond all recognition.

  100. Grasshopper says:

    U call him yacub the sumerian text called him enki! If that B the case, the creator has the power to be the destroyer,so why u just talkin shit?

  101. Anonymous says:

    John 3:16 (New International Version)

    16″For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life

    The Truth Will set you free!!

  102. jrock says:

    No comment huh? We arent some Kent state pussy’s. Come down to Dayton and protest Chris see what happens. Black, White, Red , Yellow. You’ll see a beat down.

  103. tupac says:

    Im the 7th letter of the alphabet im a G.

    Yo man this is tupac and as a public service announcment to all of my fellow niggas we gotta stop hating the white man. I mean shit, ya he beat us for years, but he provides us with record deals and and some fucking kickass houses and welfare.

    So as a demand I, tupac, demand all fellow niggas to stop this

  104. 50 cent...gggggg unit says:

    question: if someone is irish then do they have to go through the consequnces? because the Irish had no slaves that were black. SO how would you be able to tell who is a direct decendent of an Irish person. And also you are complaning about needing repirations. From what Im hearin i dont think any of you passed highschool because the natives were the first to be persecuted and forced to move from their land. They were the first to be killed because the colonist didnt trust them or liked them. SO my question is this: DO YOU SEE ANY NATIVES GOING AROUND KILLING WHITE PEOPLE SAYING THEY ARE “RED MAN” THINKERS AND DEMAND THAT THE WHITE MAN GIVE REPIRATIONS?

  105. Chris's cousin says:


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