Arrogant, Greedy White Businessman Burned to Death in Lakes of Fires

arrogant skin sinnerGeorge W. Baldwin, a prominent businessman in Brockton and Easton and a dedicated community volunteer, died in his Easton home Dec. 12 after a three-year battle with melanoma. He was 59.

Mr. Baldwin was the owner and CEO of Corporate Realty Associates, a commercial real estate firm in Brockton that he opened in the mid-1980s.

“He was a realtor to the core,” said his wife, Maria. “He was always looking around for land, and trying to determine what its best use was and how it could be something of value.”

Skin cancers and melanomas are the curse of God against white people for their skin sins and continued evil of today. In Daniel, Isaiah and Revelations God warns He will curse the evil with the Sores That Do Not Heal. Skin cancer and melanomas are these sores.

Based on their skin color, whites exalted themselves above everyone else on the planet and called everyone else: ugly, evil and inferior.

Now, that giving everyone else life burns whites’ skin.

That giving everyone else life is God. The sun is God. The sun hates white people. God Hates White people.

God has fixed His holy light to discriminate between black and whites so that it burns the whites.

Ultraviolet light is the fire of the 2nd Rapture burning evil from the earth.

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4 Responses to Arrogant, Greedy White Businessman Burned to Death in Lakes of Fires

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    very interesting.
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  4. music says:

    very interesting.
    i’m adding in RSS Reader

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