"Rejoice" the Officer Roger E. Butcher Jr Melanoma Execution: It Is Finished


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(UPDATE: National Curfew For Whites REISSUED: VIOLATERS RECEIVE MELANOMAS Black Sun Worshipers Publish New Hours Whites Allowed Outdoors; Admonish Whites Not to Violate Restrictions)

A new study released by the Glax Haas Institute reports that when ultraviolet light surges in cities with already high ground level ozone black people are more likely to be discriminated against by whites and, too, that whites are more likely to have uncontrollable psychotic episodes that most often result in the mass killings of their families, neighbors, friends, co-workers, random others and or people of other races.

On the week when Stephen Kazmierzcak shot and killed numerous people on the campus of Northern Illinois, according to Glax-Haas data, Dekalb and surrounding cities, such as Chicago, were experiencing sharp surges in ground level Ultraviolet light.

Increased amounts of Ultraviolet light were also present on the day Houston mother Andrea Yates smothered her five children another report finds.

“On days with sharp surges in ultraviolet light, white people are more inclined to molest, harm and murder their children, go on shooting sprees that often take the lives of many, indulge in road rage and commit acts of racial violene,” says Glax-Haas researcher Dr. Louis Sidney Jacobs. “It is a slow mental deterioration that can reach a violent, disturbing and perverted climax on a day with a sharp surge in ultraviolet light. We can expect that there will be (another) day when white people wont’ be able to control their behavior at all.”

posted by Christoph

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7 Responses to "Rejoice" the Officer Roger E. Butcher Jr Melanoma Execution: It Is Finished

  1. I think that if you look into it that you will find just as many people murder on “normal” days as on “high ground uv light” days.

    You will find that in a heat wave that both murder and domestic disputes rise. This is particularly noticeable in a metropolitan area.

    As it is, in any highly populated area you will find an incredible amount of murder, debauchery and the rest due to the fact that people in close range with ton’s of other people will get a bit ticked off about the whole ordeal.

    Human beings aren’t meant, naturally, to live in concrete jungles. Yet they do.

    And as they do, they react in a very primal way, “Kill or be killed.” This mentality does seem to overcome many of the more depressed, and impovershed in our species. Thus, at times they act upon it if they feel they are righted… and in some cases they are.

    So far as anybody really knows though, people kill, especially other people. The human animal is a deadly creature. It hates, unlike any other creature on this planet. We don’t kill to eat, we kill to enjoy.

  2. lastriteofpassage says:

    I’m glad this asshole got what he deserved, the sun kills them!! It will burn and consume them all!!

  3. P says:

    Who the fuck runs this. JR was an amazing person and wouldn’t fucking hurt anyone. Fuck whoever came up with this shit. Fuck you & burn in hell cunt.

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